Tuesday 29 September 2009

Quick fixes for ailing websites

Existing website not delivering but a new one is out of the question? You can start to build content within the old architecture in the short term without significant investment. And if / when you do get the budget signed off eventually - you’ll already have a better idea of what will go into it and how it should be structured.

Keep your organisation’s communications objectives in mind and make sure a) they’re all covered off from the start and b) you’re reinforcing each on a regular basis. Also aim to create specific content for each category of client - make a list of what material is relevant and ensure a balance for all your readers.

Collect pieces of news that you are qualified to hold and opinion on - and give it your own unique slant. Make all articles informative but easy to read with plenty of links to other resources on the web. Don’t lay claim to material you haven’t written - but there’s no harm in referring customers to useful information sources that are managed by third parties.

Don’t bombard your readers with promotional information - instead seek to inform and advise them. A more subtle way is to use lots of case studies structured in a problem - solution format and add background so that they can read between the lines ‘here’s a company that understands the business we’re in.’

It’s always better that your readers arrive at that conclusion themselves rather than you blowing your own trumpet.

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