First think of a list of three keywords that are important for your organisation and jot them down on a piece of paper - then put them into Google and see where you appear in the rankings. I’m guessing you’re not at the top, but not to worry. Make a note of three competitors that rank more highly than you and visit each of the sites in turn. For each click on the view menu in your browser and select source from the drop down menu. Most of the code won’t mean much but look for the lines with the terms keywords and description in them.
Now look at the number of inbound links that each site has. You can use a free tool like http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/ to do this - all you need is a Yahoo account. While keywords and description is a quick fix, a programme of link exchange has to be ongoing so you might want to involve others in the organisation in this project and meet once a month to report on progress.
The same goes for site content. Look at what your competitors - or any site that you particularly like - are doing. The trick is to be content-rich. Give as much information as you can - without, of course, divulging any trade secrets! Show visitors that you really know what you’re talking about and they’ll be more likely to contact you directly. Again, pool your resources and ask colleagues from other departments to feed information through. Most organisations have huge untapped reserves of knowledge.
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